As the launch draws closer the group are working hard on their design briefs to commission the interactives. They have had several meetings with marketing, graphics design company Cafeteria, set design companies, and myself to discuss the work to be made. Last session they concentrated on making mood boards to draw out elements of the paintings that they wanted to focus on.
Before Christmas, the group voted to decide which of their designs would be taken forward to commission stage. The pieces they decided on were:
* The Birdcage, in response to Suspended by Sam Taylor-Wood and The Misses Vickers
* Road signs to be situated around the various galleries in response to the paintings
* Terraced Houses, opening up and exploring the identity of characters within the paintings
* Recipe book, inspired by Lady of Shallot and Suspended
* Frankenstein Cow, to be situated in the devotion section of the gallery
We also discussed how to make other designs more viable and interactive. From these discussions we produced ideas for how we could engage people during the launch event such as using origami and decision makers with the audience.